A preventative solution for mental health

There’s a mental illness epidemic on campus, and colleges can’t keep up.

  • Between coursework, personal relationships, and adapting to independent life, 85% of students feel overwhelmed at some point every 2 months (Anxiety and Depression Association of America).

  • 1 in 4 students are diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar (Harvard Medical School). And that’s not counting students who face mental illness but do not seek or receive treatment.

  • On average, there are 1700 students per 1 counseling staff member on college campuses, leading to severe backlogs and delays in this critical care (American Psychological Association).

A toxic stew of issues:

  • Absenteeism and falling behind on work–as a result of mental health issues–leads to lower grades (on average, a -.4 GPA hit) and lost tuition value. Mental illness is the #2 reason for students dropping out of college. These can have lasting consequences on students’ future outcomes.

  • Mental illness can negatively impact physical health as well, be it through behavioral changes, side effects of drugs, etc.

  • An individual’s struggle with mental illness can impact the health of surrounding peers and upend their relationships. Losing support systems, especially when away in a new place, can further hurt one’s health.

  • Approximately 1,100 students take their lives every year (Imam, 2015).

The consequence?
Preventable hardship and tragedy

Uplift is a system that provides tailored, first-line remedies to help students proactively care for their mental health.

An interactive dispensary curates self-care kits: a mix of remedies—snacks, toys, words, and mind exercises.

In accompanying hideaway booths, visitors can explore their kits and dedicate deliberate time to self-care, before continuing with their day.

Our preventative approach keeps the community healthier, and lets health services best serve those in need.


Scientifically-supported nonclinical remedies, curated into a care kit especially for you

Uplift offers a variety of remedies derived from mindfulness, homeopathy, ayurvedics, Eastern medicine, and healing placebos. They work by providing centering rituals, sensory experiences, inspiration, and simple delight.

Items are curated to focus on resolving the users’ current symptoms.


  • Users log-in using their campus card. This personalizes the service and ensures safety and accountability.

  • Users answer a series of physical and mental health descriptors. E.g. “How does your breathing feel?” or “Do you feel overwhelmed?”

  • Uplift recommends a kit of products and exercises to address symptoms. The user discovers each of their care items as they’re revealed by the dispensary through lights and sound.

  • The user is encouraged to sit in one of the hideaways (or a quiet, focused space of their choosing) to use their kit and focus on self-care.

  • To prevent abuse and guide those in need, Uplift nudges visitors who’ve too-frequently used the dispensary to seek help. E.g. “Tough day? Have you chatted with a friend?” or “Here are some resources.”


Uplift helps millions, and saves millions of dollars at colleges–with runway to scale into other settings.

 In collaboration with Ami Mehta


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